General information
Dear colleagues,
Welcome to the International English Teaching Web-Forum «New Pedagogical Challenges in Educational Digitalization» held in the framework of the Winter School of Pedagogical Excellence.
This event has gathered together education and ESL specialists from all over the world due to the ongoing pandemic crisis. In fact, strength thrives on unity. We hope our online forum will be a chance not just to share our professional expertise but also to organize a community around the challenge we all have to face today, and overcome the exigencies.
Our main goal for this web forum is to discuss the existing practices, share our practical experiences of digital language education and look at other culture’s perspectives of using information and communication technologies.
The current pandemic crisis shows how relevant it is for teachers to be savvy not only methodologically but also technologically as learning experience of our students heavily depends on it.
We hope this event will be an engaging and valuable experience for you.
The Organizing Committee